Does OxygenIT cover both cloud and on-premise?
Yes, and with the same methodology, making sure that you can compare between several clouds and on-premise options.
Which cloud services do you cover?
We cover almost all IaaS services from AWS, Azure, GCP and Outscale, such as compute, compute with GPU, storage and backup. We also cover more and more PaaS services such as DBaaS.
We ambition to cover for up to 80% of our customers' cloud originated emissions and 95% of our customers' private datacenter emissions.
Services like SaaS are still very difficult to cover due to a lack of data but we are working with SaaS providers so they can offer their customer a reliable carbon footprint report.
How long does it take to set up OxygenIT?
When you connect OxygenIT to your public cloud provider for the first time through read-only credentials, it takes a few minutes to get the entirety of your carbon emissions from the provider. Once connected, metrics are always available immediately.
Connection with datacenter requires an connection to your observability solution and can take up to a month depending on customer resources' availability
Is OxygenIT secure?
Our SaaS solution is hosted on secured cloud providers and provides state-of-the-art protection. In the event you wish your infrastructure and cloud services not to be shared outside your private cloud, we offer in-house deployment as a way to secure it even more.
Does OxygenIT provide technical support?
Yes, our technical support is available Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm CET, holidays excluded, via the online chat directly in the console or via email.
What measurement methodology does OxygenIT use?
OxygenIT has implemented a unique methodology combining a deep understanding of IT services topology (for IaaS and PaaS), the knowledge of each hardware component supporting the services or composing the bare metal, the reconstruction of energy consumption based on the usage of each component, and finally the calculation of usage carbon emissions from the PuE and carbon emission factor as described by the Green Software Foundation.
Of course we also compute the embodied carbon (scope 3) based on the hardware usage as described by the Green Software Foundations ISO 21031.
For more information, please refer to our Green Native for IT whitepaper
Does OxygenIT provide recommendations?
Yes, OxygenIT provides a list of recommended quantified reduction actions to be validated by IT operations prior to implementation. We are continually enriching our recommendations as we cover more and more IT services. See “Hotspots” in the console.
Can I plan future IT projects emissions with OxygenIT?
Yes, OxygenIT includes project design and planning capabilities in order to quote the carbon impact of a new project or a transformation on public clouds and on-premise. datacenters It can also be used for decommissionning/commissionning of on-premise equipments
Does OxygenIT cover the carbon emissions of my laptop, PC, mobile...?
No, Oxygen's scope encompasses data centers, public and private clouds, but excludes the workspace such as laptops, PCs and mobile devices. Our emphasis is on the infrastructure that supports applications and product operations.
How do I deploy OxygenIT?
You can either use it as a SaaS solution hosted by us or deploy the solution in-house based on our installation guidelines.